4-hose hookah | top pipes with 4 hose connections

Shisha smoking has always been strongly associated with cultural and social exchange. People meet up with a few friends for a hookah and spend a few enjoyable hours together. With a 4-hose hookah, smoking together is much more convenient, as up to 4 hoses can be connected to one hookah. This means you don't have to pass the hose and mouthpiece to the next person after each puff. In the best case scenario, each participant in the shisha session has their own hose. This is not only much more practical, it is also significantly more hygienic, as the mouthpieces are not used by several people at the same time. Treat yourself to an excellent 4-hose shisha from our range now and enjoy a good pipe with your friends soon.

2 products

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Aladin | MVP 670 - Wave

Large 4-hose hookah at a low price: Aladin MVP 670 Wave.

CHF 119.95
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Aladin | MVP 480 - Clear

Treat yourself to this hookah with 4 hose connections at an attractive set price.

CHF 119.90
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Multi-hose hookah | 2 - 4 connections


As the name suggests, the multi-hose hookah has several hose connections. From 2 to 4 hoses can be connected per shisha. Mostly 4-hose shishas are built larger than single-hose shishas, because the many connections need space and the bowl should have a larger volume for several smokers. From the design point of view, there are hardly any limits for multi-hose shishas, there are many manufacturers who offer modern, traditional and fancy models. In terms of price, 4-hose hookahs are somewhat more expensive than models with one hose, which has to do with the somewhat more complex manufacturing process. Of course, you also need 4 hose adapters, 4 silicone hoses and 4 mouthpieces, which also causes additional costs. For this, you can pull together on the same hookah tobacco, which again rather reduces costs. In the hookah scene, 4 connections are very popular for sessions with friends. For a small head at home, mostly pipes with one connection are used.

Single tube hookah | Lounge Edition

Single tube hookah

Many shishas are offered with only one hose connection. These are ideal for people who prefer to smoke alone or like to share hookahs with familiar people in turn. Often, single-hose shishas are also called"lounge edition", as they are also used in hookah bars. In contrast, there are multi-tube shishas, which have 2 or 4 hose connections. A hose with a mouthpiece can be connected to each of these connections. Often, a so-called "ground adapter" is used, which is conically ground into a corresponding counterpart is inserted. Known single-hose pipes are for example the Moze Breeze or the Ocean Kaif.

Pros and cons of multi-tube shishas

Advantages multihose hookah

A hookah with multiple connections comes with advantages, but also disadvantages. In case you're thinking about buying a new hookah, but you're unsure how many hose connections it should have, we've rounded up the pros and cons of multi-hose pipes.

Advantages multihose shishas

  • Multi-hose shishas are usually larger than 1-hose shishas
  • Multihose pipes offer a large volume of smoke thanks to large bowls
  • Up to four people can pull the pipe at the same time
  • A 4-hose hookah is perfect to smoke together with friends
  • Separate hoses are more hygienic for smoking
  • A hookah tobacco head is shared, which saves costs on tobacco
  • Stainless steel hookah / aluminum hookah / Tradi hookah available in various price ranges
  • A multi-hose pipe can also be smoked alone. So you have all the options with it.

Disadvantages of multi-tube shishas

  • Multihose shishas are expensive in price
  • Multi-hose shishas require more accessories (hose adapters, hoses, ammunition pieces)
  • If many people smoke at the same time the coal can burn faster
  • The increased draught can generate too much heat
  • It is obvious that the tobacco is smoked faster with 4 people
  • Because of the valve technology is a little more shisha know how required
  • Due to valve balls, the blow off can partly not be used

Technique in shishas with multiple connections

Valve system hookah

For a hookah with multiple connections to function properly, a sophisticated valve system is necessary. Because without valves, the shisha would no longer be a closed system(Closed Chamber System) and thus no longer tight. For this reason, a valve ball is attached to each of the connections in a multi-tube shisha. When the smoker pulls on the mouthpiece, the ball lifts and thus opens the valve, while the balls of the connections close the valves. Only thanks to this system can ensure a great smoking experience on with multiple connections. But there is a big catch: If a ball is stuck in the valve, the pipe can not be vented, because yes only pulled but can not be blown. This means that blow offs cannot be used with hookahs from some manufacturers. The manufacturer VYRO has solved the problem by the one who wants to vent the hookah, turns on his hose connection and thus the valve opens. After blowing off, the valve is closed again by turning it back. AEON and Steamulation have installed in their premium models specially developed purge systems, which allow the blow off even if up to 4 hoses are connected to a hookah. However, these models have their price. Tip: For a better understanding, take a look at Doelid's explanation of the technology installed in the multi-tube pipe VYRO Evoke.


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Tips when smoking with several people

Several people shisha
  1. Before your first session with several people, check with the scope of delivery of your multi-hose pipe apart. Do you have enough hose connectors, hose adapters, silicone hoses and mouthpieces?
  2. Look into the valve technology of your multi-hose pipe. Do you have enough valve balls to ensure a closed circuit?
  3. Only one person should pull on a hose at a time. This is the only way to ensure an intense taste experience
  4. If possible, use a head with a large tobacco depot (e.g. Hookain LeshLip) so that the hookah session lasts long enough even with many people.

Recommended purchase for shisha with multiple connections

  1. Ask yourself before buying if your friends really smoke a lot with you, or if this is rather the exception. If you smoke alone most of the time, a 1-hose hookah is the better choice.
  2. Do not choose the cheapest model in the store and spend a little more money on a high-quality stainless steel hookah with 4 connections. From a price of CHF 120.- you are there. You will enjoy a hookah made of high-quality materials for a long time and also protect the environment, because the product will not immediately end up in the trash.
  3. Go for a model with valve balls, otherwise passive smokers always have to hold their mouthpiece shut by hand, which is very tedious in the long run.
  4. Think of the necessary accessories such as mouthpiece and hoses. If necessary, get expert advice in your shisha store.

Buy Multi Hose Pipes at Shisha Heaven

You are looking for a good hookah with multiple connections at a good price, which will give you pleasure for a long time? Then the online store of Shisha Heaven is the right place for you! We offer you a well thought-out assortment of hookahs, which meet the highest demands. No matter which colors and sizes you prefer or which manufacturer you particularly like. We are happy to offer you a personal consultation, if you need information about our products and models. We deliver directly from our Swiss warehouse with A-Post Priority. In addition, we offer a short delivery time: If you order today until 1 p.m., you will usually have the goods at your home on the next working day. We are looking forward to your visit in our Swiss Shisha Shop!