Small Shisha | Compact hookahs (25-40cm)

Note: The very small ones Shisha to Go models can be found in the linked section. A small shisha is not only very handy and nice to look at. It can also easily keep up with its big brothers in terms of smoking behavior. The trend towards small hookahs in the format of the Moze Breeze or Ocean Kaif has been unbroken for several years. More and more hookah smokers are opting for brands and products in this beautifully designed compact class. With a size of approx. 25 to 40 cm, however, we would not compare this category with a mini hookah, which is really designed for regular transportation or travel. Take a look at our top sellers of small hookahs now and choose a product from a brand that appeals to you in particular. We also recommend that you spend a little more money when buying a small hookah so that you buy a model that will provide you with additional features such as blow-off variants and high-quality workmanship for a particularly long time.

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Aladin | Epox 360 Turquoise Maldives - Pattern Turquoise

Turquoise like the sea of the Maldives: The beautiful Aladin Epox Turquoise Maldives.

Ursprünglicher Preis war: CHF 149.00Aktueller Preis ist: CHF 119.20.
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Small but mighty: Shisha compact class

Small hookah

With a size of 30 to 45cm they are now again not so small. But a small hookah is of course much more compactly processed than a large one. It is important to know that a small hookah can offer just as good a draw and draft as a large hookah. Whether the smoking behavior is good or bad, has ultimately nothing to do with the size. Much more important are a good head constructionA decent HMD and of course always the choice of a tasty hookah tobacco. Meanwhile, almost all hookah brands carry small models in the range, which secure an ever larger piece of the "hookah cake". The reasons for the success of small hookah models are many. On the one hand, there is the cheaper price, on the other hand, small pipes meet the look & feel of the modern taste of young people. In addition, a small hookah is much easier to transport than a large one. Quick spontaneous visit a friend and bring the hookah? That's no problem at all with small hookahs. Just put the hookah in your pocket, pack the charcoal lighter, charcoal and hookah tobacco and you're ready for an out-of-town hookah session. Treat yourself now in our Swiss Shisha Online Shop to a small pipe with accessories and soon enjoy your Shisha tobacco compact and at the highest level. Top prices, individual advice and an experienced customer service included.

Small hookahs big: the advantages

Advantages small hookah

Small shishas offer many advantages not only for beginners. They are rightly popular with long-time and experienced shisha smokers as well. The following success factors have helped the small shishas to break through:


Cute design

A hookah with a size of only 30 to 45cm simply looks more "cute" than a large Tradi pipe, which comes with a size of over 60cm extremely imposing.


Low price

To produce a small hookah, less material is needed, which of course has a positive effect on the price. Since the transport, which often takes place from Asia or Russia, can be made much more space-saving and cheaper, the bottom line for mini shisha is a significantly lower price. Tip: In the category "Cheap hookahs"you will find many hookahs with a very good price-performance ratio. 


Easy to transport

A small hookah is light and compact and can therefore be transported very well from A to B. Shortly smoke a hookah with friends at the lake or quickly crash a party with the hookah, this is no longer a problem with a compact product.


Easy to store

You live in a small apartment or have only one room with little storage space available? Then a small hookah is the perfect choice for you. Just store it in a drawer or box when not in use and take it out when you want to use it.


Easy to maintain and clean

Small shishas with a size of 25 to 40cm are often easier to clean than large models with huge bowls, which can only be cleaned with special bowl brushes. But no matter how small it is, even a mini shisha does not clean itself after smoking. Unfortunately, you still have to take care of that yourself.


Changeable bowls

Many small Hookahs are based on Plug-in bowl systems. The base of the hookah is simply inserted into a standard bowl. This has the advantage that the bowl can be changed at will. For example, you can treat yourself to a nice Caesar Bowl and connect it without an adapter.


Good draught

Whether a hookah has a good draft is only partly dependent on the size. But it is also obvious that if the smoke has to travel a shorter distance from the head to the smoker, the draft is easier. From this point of view, small hookahs even have an advantage over large ones in terms of smoking behavior. Please note that the volume of the bowl is also an important factor for the draft of a hookah.


Many customization options

Many small shishas offer the user a variety of customization options. In principle, this has nothing to do with the size, but it is a fact that many convertible hookahs have rather a small format. This is true for shishas with changeable sleeves, but also for hookahs with various blow off options. The widespread plug-in bowl systems also contribute to individual customization.

Compact Hookahs | Our Top Sellers

Small shisha recommendation

Even with the small hookahs, there are brands and models that enjoy particularly great popularity. On the one hand, there is the mini hookah Boro Miami or also the P1 from El Badiawhich, however, have to be assigned to the"Shisha to Go" segment. In the compact class, especially the Moze Breeze Two but also the Aladin MVP 360, the Aladin Epox 360, but also the Mamay Custom Micro or the Steamulation Pro X Mini Shisha have contributed a lot to the popularity of this category. Of course, there are also models from the brand Amy Deluxe and there must also be the AEON Edition 4 mini in any case. Complete sets for beginners often come with hose, mouthpiece, head and HMD already included, with the more expensive models you have to buy the accessories mostly extra. Find in our online store small shishas, which visually convince and meet your needs in all respects. With favorable prices, helpful accessories, top info and advice, we help you with the purchase.

Shisha tobacco, coal and accessories

In addition to top brands for hookahs, you can also find accessories such as hookah hoses and mouthpieces in the color of your choice, but also hookah coal and hookah tobacco at top prices. Our tip for your purchase: Do not compromise on quality and choose a good brand that offers you a high-quality model at a good price. Experience shows that smoking is more fun when the hookah is well made and also looks and feels good. Build a beautiful head and then smoke on a well-made hookah, that gives long-term pleasure and incidentally saves the wallet and the environment.

Plug-in bowl or screw cap?

Plug-in bowl versus screw cap

If you attach great importance to the bowl, we recommend buying a hookah with a plug-in bowl or a plug-in bowl adapter. This gives you the opportunity to purchase another bowl of high quality at any time and to change it at will. The Steckbowl system has become established in recent years, especially for small shishas, and can almost be called a standard. If a Shisha Bowl should break, then you can fall back with the plug system of course on a much larger selection when finding a replacement bowl.

Buy small hookah at Shisha Heaven

You want to buy a small hookah that offers you a sensational smoking experience? Choose from our handpicked assortment of models from top brands and treat yourself to a hookah with cool blow off variants, sleeves in the color of your choice and a beautiful bowl. Benefit from top prices and don't spend more money on your purchase than necessary. Store online now and soon you can relax and smoke a head with your mini shisha.